I wanna have the capability to locate any one that I may desire, to get that person address, phone number, income, whats his favourite colour of underwear... everything... even the number of time that person had sex in the last week.
For that I need connection to federal computers... for no matter how much lunatic may I be, I know that it is impossible to keep track of everybody. So... I just need to always know where they are so I can get to them and find out what I want. I want to know they social security number, their tax payer number, where do they work, where do they live, how many kids they have, their job position, where did they went to study, where do they take their vacations. I want to be able if necessary to pose has that person, to have the price of that someone, to know where they are so I can go and get them no matter for what, I wanna be able to even know the size of their dick... and that at any time and any place. I wanna be able to access everyone's resources... may they be logistic, financial, physical, mental, connections, anything... as long as it is at my disposal. I wanna be able to see their life trough their eyes, to taste their food trough their mouth, to ear trough their ears, to cry trough their eyes, to feel pain trough their nervous system. I wanna be able to access their memories has if they were my own, to think their thoughts, to say what they say. I wanna know were you are know, what your are dressing, where did you bought those clothes, what size do your wear, if you live alone or with someone else, what do you make per month, whats your favourite dish, what computer you have, what is inside its hdd, whats the speed of your cd-rom drive, what cd is inside it, what did you dreamed of last night, who do you wish in the dark... I wanna know all that and more. I wanna know were God sleeps, what does he eat, who does he love, what can he do, for how long does he exists, if he exists. I wanna know who Satan his, if the world will end and hows behind it. I wanna know what was mankind's first intelligent thought, how did they communicated exactly. I wanna know what lifeforms exist beyond ours, where do they inhabit, how do they make sex, what do they eat, what do they think. I wanna know how hot is inside the earth's core, if there are silicon based life forms, where do they exist, how do they exist, how did they come to appear. I wanna know what is the colour of the suit that has just been made, the name of the man that has just been killed, the name of the child that has just been born, the pain the tortured man is feeling, the pain of the bomb strike victim, the beliefs and thoughts of the bomb strike executant. I wanna know how it felt to be burnt in the fire of the Inquisition, the joy the Inquisitors felt when burning someone. I wanna have the orgasm that other man had now in China, I wanna see the bullet coming towards me has that other saw in America. I wanna feel the anger of paying the bullet that has just killed his son, the anger he feels for having is house robed, the frustration he felt for not being able to have kids, the sorrow he felt for seeing his loved one part with another man, the joy of winning the lottery. I wanna know were do you keep your letters, where do you go when you are sad, how hot is it in hell and how cold is it in heaven. I wanna be able to cast a course that will last a thousand years. I wanna know how much you are winning for letting the rainforest be cutted down, to whom do you sell your exotic birds, the name of the boat that they use for their illegal seagulls hunt, the pain the whales feel when theyre caught by the arpoon. I wanna be able to stop the market with one decision, to make countries collapse and start wars with my fingers. I wanna be able to blow up the moon just because I feel like it, to have my neighbour killed just because I dont like his trousers, to have sex with your wife just because I saw her on the street. I wanna be able to bring people together and apart with the same ease and disregard for what they want. I wanna be able to nominate the next president of the republic just because his eyes are blue. I wanna be able to make a rock superstar just because his voice is worth shit and I get a kick out of it. I wanna be able to build weapons to supply the city gangs, just because I like to see them fighting to death. I wanna be able to create a riot on a prison and end one as well. I wanna be able to make governments and companies fall just because I dont like their logo or president or just because I dont like their hair cut.
I wanna be able to know where the omnipotent and omnipresent being his... and to control him like in a puppet show...